Interested in buying sapphire jewelry? Check the Kiliaan Jewelry collection. They were convinced that the blue sapphire provided protection against envy and danger. History: in Ancient Greek and Rome the blue sapphire was a must-have for kings and queens.Like other gemstones the sapphire was also used as decoration on gowns and coats of the royalty.Most famous blue sapphire: engagement ring of Lady Di and Kate Middleton.Magical power: The blue sapphire protects against jealousy and danger.Spiritual meaning of sapphire: commitment and loyalty.The most colorful sapphires and the top color blue sapphire are found in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tanzania and Australia.The name sapphire comes from the Greek Sappheiros which means sapphire or lapis lazuli.This beautiful gemstone fits perfect with the zodiac signs Tauro en Virgo.All the colors of the sapphire together form a beautiful color palet. Perhaps the most famous color besides blue is the color of the Padparadscha a pink orange sapphire from Sri Lanka. Padparadscha is Sri Lankan for lotus flower Ruby is the only red variety in the corundum group besides the multi colors of the sapphire. Sapphire belongs together with the ruby to the Corundum group.Sapphires and the zodiac signs Spiritual meaning sapphire Tips for working from home and gemstone jewelry Sapphire, the birthstone of September, is most desired in its pure, rich blue color but is present in almost every color including pink, yellow and green.