Once Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection has finished downloading, extract the file using a software such as WinRAR.If using a torrent download, you will first need to download uTorrent. Choose a mirror to complete your download.You will be redirected to a download page for Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection. How to Download and Install Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection This time he’s brought with him not only his space cadet brother Spaz, but also their sister, Lori – and she has supernatural athletic powers! This story, completely fresh and new for our gamers, takes our favourite rabbits to a haunted house, a city and an extended Easter level! On their way they encounter numerous enemies and sneaky adversaries, but trust them to bring the game to a wild conclusion when they find a mysterious code which is the key to the Valhalla. Jazz, the PC platform hero, has finally made comeback with all new adventures. It's always or etc.ĭgVoodoo doesn't enumerate all of the refresh rates my monitor supports, so it doesn't help either.Download Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection on PC.

I have tried various ddraw wrappers to try and convince the game to switch to when fullscreen but I had no luck so far. So that part they made so that it renders at the current refresh rate. Interestingly the game menu animation respects the refresh rate and is scrolling smoothly no matter which refresh rate I have set and if I am in the fullscreen mode or windowed.

The game is still not rendered at that rate, because the scrolling is not smooth. I have also tried it with JJ2+ mod and all this does is that the framerate is locked at 120. But windowed mode is just not immersive enough for me. To prove this to myself I ran the game in windowed mode and have set my desktop resolution to Then the fps counter is locked at 70 and the game is as smooth as I want it to be. If I press F9 twice I can see that the game's fps are locked at 60, but it's clear that the egine still renders at 70 fps internally. On Windows 10 all of the fullscreen resolutions supported by the game have a refresh rate of 60 Hz. I want to play Jazz Jackrabbit 2 again, but the fact that the game engine renders at 70 fps internally no matter the refresh rate is causing scrolling that is not at all smooth.

I'm really sensitive to smooth scrolling.